
The calculators below can help determine your loan payment, debt payoffs, and savings totals. Para informarse sobre cómo Frandsen Bank & Trust puede ayudarle con sus metas, contáctenos.

Financiación personal


This calculator computes the most expensive car you can buy based on the highest monthly payment you can afford.

Credit Card

This calculator computes how long it will take to pay off a credit card debt.


This calculator computes the amount you need to save each month in order to pay for college.

Big Purchase

This calculator computes how much money you will need to save monthly in order to reach a desired savings goal.

Solicitar préstamo

Use this calculator to find out how much money you can afford to borrow.

Loan Rate

This loan rate calculator will calculate the interest rate on a loan given a loan amount, payment amount, and number of payments.

Loan Timeline

Use this loan payoff calculator to find out how many payments it will take to pay off a loan.

Loan Payments

Use this calculator to compute the payment amount (principal and interest) for a fixed rate loan.

Consolidating Loans

This calculator determines the advantage or disadvantage of consolidating various loans and credit card debt.

Auto vs. Home Equity Loans

This calculator helps determine if a home equity loan may be better than standard automobile financing for purchasing a car.

Eliminating Debt

This calculator helps you evaluate various strategies for paying off your debt.

Financiación de viviendas

Adjustable Rate Loan

This calculator computes the estimated payments and interest for an adjustable rate loan.

Balloon Mortgage

This calculator computes the payment amount necessary for a mortgage with a balloon payment, using monthly interest compounding and monthly payments.

Buy vs. Rent

This calculator compares the cost of renting versus the real cost of buying a home.

Consolidating Loans

This calculator determines the advantage or disadvantage of consolidating various loans and credit card debt.

Fixed Rate Loan

This calculator computes the payments (principal and interest) for a fixed rate loan.

Highest Payments

This calculator computes the most expensive house you can buy based on the highest payment you can afford.

Increased Mortgage

Find out how much interest you can save by paying an additional amount with your mortgage payment.


This calculator will help you compare the total cost of any two or three mortgages. This analysis includes the effect of a tax deduction for interest.

Mortgage Qualifications

Most lenders base their home loan qualification on both your total monthly gross income and your monthly expenses.


This calculator will tell you if the amount you save in interest will exceed these refinancing costs.


Future Value

This calculator computes the present value (on a given date) of a future amount. This future amount is discounted to reflect the time value of money.

Investment Worth

This calculator computes what an amount invested today will be worth at some point in the future.

Investment Yield

This calculator computes the rate of return on an existing investment.

Million Dollars

This calculator tells you how much you need to save each month to accumulate a million dollars.

Monthly Deposits

Use this calculator to compute the total amount you would be able to save with monthly deposits.

Monthly Savings

Use this calculator to compute the monthly deposit amount needed to reach a savings goal.

Portfolio Yield

The following calculator makes calculating yields easy; it computes the before and after tax yield for an investment with up to 9 trading activities.

Rate of Return

Use this calculator to compute the rate of return you would need to reach your savings goal.

Savings Goal

Use this calculator to compute how much money you would need to start with to reach a savings goal.


Funding Retirement

Use this calculator to find out how much money you must have in your savings account to make recurring withdrawals of a specified amount.

How Long Savings Last

Use this calculator to find out how long you can make recurring withdrawals of a specified amount from your savings account.

Rate of Return

Use this calculator to find out what rate of return you would need to make recurring withdrawals of a specified amount from an account.

Roth IRA Value

Use this calculator to compute the amount you can save in a Roth IRA where you pay taxes on your income now, but withdraw the funds tax-free in retirement.

Traditional IRA or Roth IRA

Which is better, a Traditional IRA or a Roth IRA?

Traditional IRA Value

Use this calculator to compute the amount you can save in a tax-deferred Traditional IRA.

Withdrawing from Savings

Use this calculator to compute how much you will be able to regularly withdraw from your savings account before you run out.

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